Darla Mack, the Mobile Diva Could Use Our Help

Please consider lending a hand to Darla Mack and her family.

David Harper
Founder, Winksite

Paypal Donation Link: http://tinyurl.com/26f297

From the McNeil Family Support Group set up by Debi Jones at Facebook.

The blogosphere is often called a community, and communities have always stepped forward to care for their own in a time of need. A long time blogger in the mobile industry and mentor to new and beginning bloggers is Darla Mack, the Mobile Diva, known in real life as Darlene McNeil.

The McNeil Family is facing a very difficult winter. Darla’s husband, Duane McNeil, was struck by car while walking and is unable to work for several months and recently Darla underwent surgery which makes sitting at the computer for hours extremely painful. The family needs our help.

Facing mounting medical bills and loss of income in the absence of insurance, the family is struggling to meet the most basic of expenses. Darla Mack & FamilyPictured are Duane and Darla along with a photo of their three boys: Duane, Jaden and Gattis.

Paypal Donation Link: http://tinyurl.com/26f297