InformationWeek Interviews David Harper on Mobile SEO

Winksite’s 25K publishers rely on us to sort out Mobile SEO on their behalf. That’s a responsibility we take seriously.

Catch up on what we’re thinking and doing…

28 Aug 07: InformationWeek: David Harper Interviewed by Stephen Wellman
How To Optimize Your Mobile Website For Search

30 Jun 07: David Harper’s Different Things Blog (Winksite)
Winksite Releases Major Upgrade – Love the Mobile Web.

27 Jun 07: InformationWeek
Simple Web Design And Discoverability Are Keys To Mobile SEO

Additional Resources
Paul Bennett has started a mobile SEO blog where he maintains a list of useful resources. Paul also formed a Mobile SEO Group where I hope others will join us in further discussion. (UPDATE: Apparently membership is currently by invitation only so if you’re interested in an invitation, please introduce yourself to Bryson Meunier.) Paul writes over at Marketing Pilgrim reporting on Mobile Marketing news with Andy Beal. He was kind enough to write an article about Winksite, “Winksite Shares Some Mobile Love“.

Disclaimer: The mention of my name in the title of a post I wrote is intended for SEO purposes only. It should not be taken as an expression of self importance. I just dropped behind the Walton’s guy again. – David Harper

TechCoire: Mobile 3.0 – The next generation of mobile services.

Is there a sale on versions that I should know about?

Hey TechCoire, I’ll be away next week on vacation; please don’t push past, say, Mobile 5.0 while I’m away. OK? Thanks. 🙂

Sent: Wednesday, August 15, 2007 12:31 PM
Subject: [mobilemonday] 8/23/Rancho Cordova, Mobile 3.0 – The next generation of mobile services

TechCoire presents:

Mobile 3.0 – The next generation of mobile services

DATE/TIME: Thu, Aug 23, 6:00pm-8:30pm

LOCATION: Sacramento Marriott, 11211 Point East Drive, Rancho Cordova, CA

COST: $40.

Mobile technology has come a long way from the days of being simple voice, SMS and even as an email device. The question is while most of the current services are maturing, what new services are likely to emerge and what business models will emerge to support that ecosystem of value added services. Join a panel of experts who will discuss:

What are today’s consumers demanding and tomorrow’s users going to demand?
What are the emerging applications that are already finding a niche?
Will Mobile TV/Video continue to be a niche-play or will it find mainstream?
What are the critical success factors for mobile applications?
Where is the money today? Where’s the spending tomorrow?


"An Open Letter to Intercasting Corp" or "Rabble WTF" or "Where Is Wikipedia When You Need It Most?"

I’ve never made a big deal out of things Winksite has done “first” but after one too many statements put out by companies claiming to be the “first,” I’ve decided to call one of them on it as it impacts Winksite’s history. I’m simply calling it as I see it and if anyone thinks I have any of this wrong please feel free to respond in my comments otherwise. I suspect this will be the first in a series.

1. Intercasting/Rabble

“In 2005, we shipped the first carrier-grade social networking product in North America and have leveraged our experience to build the absolute best consumer application available.” — Intercasting Web Site

I politely called these guys on this type of thing once before in 2005 when they claimed to be “the first mobile blogging community ever.” Various Japanese and European services had them beat by several years at the time. I playfully suggested they were actually, “the first commercial, BREW-based, fully mobile-only, self-contained community of mobile content creators and consumers, incorporating LBS, launched on the Verizon Network in the US in 2005″ – but we agreed that would sound a bit silly and settled on that what they did was “cool.”

Well now several years later the Intercasting guys have rewritten history circa 2005 again and claim to have been “the first carrier-grade social networking product in North America.” Sorry guys – I’m going to have to call you on this one also.

You were not the first. Not then and not now either. Winksite beat you by four years. In 2002, Winksite was using RSS feeds to mobilize blogs and otherwise publish content to mobile communities (a true first). These mobile spaces came bundled with mobile-tuned social services like chat, forums, events, and polls making these syndicated content spaces social and interactive in nature (also a true first). As far as carrier-grade, I’m confident our open “internet-grade” platform is serving more regular users (250K mobile uniques per month), on more carrier networks worldwide (150 plus), than Rabble is. I also suspect that we have spent a fraction of the money to get there (bootstrapping it with a few hundred $K over 5 years — yes we got in perhaps a bit early) than Intercasting’s investors have laid out to date for Rabble (approx 6 million). … And if the definition of “carrier-grade” means having been “approved” to run on a carrier portal – talk to Helio.

I’m sure the guys from Intercasting will respond with brilliant repartee and disagree with me on their blog (or in private) but when we sat down for breakfast in NYC in 2004 or so they already knew Winksite was a web services and social network mash-up — long before the term even existed. No amount of PR spin, event panel rhetoric, or VC money can change that.

How to Free Yourself From Google's Mobile Transcoding Services in 5 Days or More.

The other day I wrote about Google’s mobile transcoding services and the reasons for our issues with it in a post titled, “An Open Letter to Google: “Page adapted for mobile phone?” Please stop now, you are crippling sites, not adapting pages.

The lack of clarity as to how the transcoding services worked and how you could opt-out was frustrating. In our case, Google’s transcoding service was doing more harm then good. Naturally we “Googled” Google and eventually found a mobile FAQ that stated:

Our system automatically translates regular pages into wap-compatible [i.e. mobile] pages. In cases where a wap-compatible site already exists, we redirect the user to the wap-compatible site instead of translating the page ourselves.

We found that not to be the case. In Scott Rafer’s words:

To use WINKsite as a specific example, Google Mobile Search ignores the mobile site that took our founders years of hard work and which is now a global mobile community used by tens of thousands of people every day. Instead, Google Mobile Search uses our standard web homepage, rips it apart, and sends it to people’s mobile phones as 15 crappy pages of unintelligible garbage.

Reading back through the FAQ later we discovered that Google did in fact provide a method for web site publishers to be excluded from Google Mobile’s re-rendering by sending a “removal request” by email to Accordingly we sent this email to Google on 3/12/2006 11:16 PM:

Please remove transcoded pages for (re:

Thank you.
Dave Harper
Founder, Wireless Ink/WINKsite

On 3/12/2006 11:16 PM we received the following response:

Thank you for your note. This is just an automated reply to let you know that we received your email. We’re currently putting most of our energy into improving Google Mobile, so we can’t promise a personal reply to every question. Please be assured that your feedback will be used to improve Google Mobile. For a quick answer, you may want to visit our FAQ at

The Google Team

Followed the next morning (3/13/2006 11:46 AM) with:

Hi Dave,

Thank you for your note. As requested, your page will no longer be transcoded to a mobile-ready format.

We’re constantly working to improve the way pages are displayed on mobile web browsers. If you have any suggestions, please let us know.

The Google Team

Well nothing changed, our audience was still blocked from our mobile site, and a debate which originally started at MobHappy continued here, here, here, and here.

Finally on the morning of 3/17/2006 I awoke to discover that after 5 days of jumping up and down on blogs all over the blogosphere — WINKsite had been set free. “Being Free” is good.

…but what about others in the same fix.

The process and exclusion list doesn’t seem like a good permanent solution (and it’s not just Google that’s handling mobile wrong.) What’s needed is a way to respect the rights of mobile publishers and their audience without making them jump through hoops. The conversation has started. Hopefully the dialogue leads towards a better understanding of the mobile web.

Count us in.

Update: Received 3/17/2006 8:19 PM

Hi Dave,

We just wanted to let you know that your site is no longer being transcoded. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

If we can assist you further, please let us know.

The Google Team

An Open Letter to Google: “Page adapted for mobile phone?” Please stop now, you are crippling sites, not adapting pages.

Dear Google,

I just used Google on various mobile devices (i.e. a Nokia 6600, Sony w800, and Motorola RAZR V3) to search for my service Rather than link to Winksite directly the results instead link to a reformatted version that in Google’s words is “adapted for mobile phone”.

You’re assuming way too much power in hijacking Winksite and replacing it with your own version. The 15-screen, bastardized version of the site that you deliver is not even close to what WE want to deliver or what our audience expects to receive. Let me explain.

From my perspective, the issue is not that Google unilaterally strips away eye candy only to deliver a hodgepodge of text on mobile devices. It is that you remove user access to mobile-specific services on which ours and many other businesses are based. By default, your actions censor those of us who provide a unique and/or useful mobile experience.

The mobile web and its proponents were in place for years before Google “discovered” the mobile web and started to hijack it. Individuals, small development teams, and companies that respect and value the mobile audience provide mobile sites and services designed for that audience. With a bit of browser detection, Winksite and others send these visitors to either mobile optimized versions of their sites or even mobile phone-specific services. Google mobile web search intercepts and overrides that detection, context, and delivery. I question your right to do that and without permission to create a derivative work. (At Mobhappy Google’s tactics are questioned for other reasons – Who Gave Google Permission to be the Judge and Jury of Mobile Content?.)

Google’s actions cripple every truly mobile web site that its search uncovers, violating the copyright of each and reducing all of them to a lowest common denominator that sets the mobile web back ten years. “Do No Evil” requires that you stop now.

Dave Harper
Founder, Wireless Ink

Scott continues the conversation with “Garbage 2.0 In, Garbage 2.0 Out“.