Winksite – Monetize Your Mobile Site with Advertising from Google AdSense or Admob.

Winksite drives a lot of mobile pages views. Over the years, most every ad network on the planet has approached Winksite about monetizing our mobile traffic. We always played with the idea of signing up, but we don’t view Winksite’s traffic as “ours” alone. As we see it, publishers who trust their content and communities to Winksite’s care provide Winksite with great value just by showing up. The traffic and impressions are mostly there because of the efforts of our 25 thousand publishers and the audience they attract.

We can’t unilaterally profit from that traffic like the other feed mobilizers and site building tools. They have it wrong and are ripping off the publishers. At best their share of the revenue share is too high — at worst — they take it all.

It took a while for us to figure out the obvious — make it drop dead simple for a publisher to insert either Google Mobile AdSense or AdMobs ads into their mobilized feeds, mobile Websites, and communities at Winksite — and take NO revenue share.

All a publisher needs do is:

  1. Register and create a mobile site.
  2. Enter their Google AdSense ID or AdMob Site ID.
  3. Select ad position and placement on their site templates.

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