Mobile Bar Code Camp

qrcodeMobileBarCodeCamp is bringing together mobile enthusiasts, explorers, authors, designers, architects, producers and professionals in North America to share the current state and their visions for the future direction of mobile bar codes and other cellphone-readable physical hyperlinks. MobileBarCodeCamp hopes to support the many voices helping to unlock the potential of a “hyperlinked first life”. Topics may include – but are not limited to – mobile code formats, mobile code readers, mobile gaming, bar code art, entrepreneurship, social mobility and presence, near field communication, physical hyperlinking, the importance of open standards, protocols, and platforms, and mobile bar code usage on other continents.

We are extremely interested in having the various Bar Code Platform & Reader companies represented at this event.

MobileBarCodeCamp grows by word of mouth (and word of blog). Tell your friends and people that you think will enjoy sharing a day with likeminded.

Go to the BarCamp page for details and sign up.

For those who asked to be involved from a volunteer and sponsorship perspective – yes – we need your help.

David Harper
Founder, Winksite
Co-Founder, Mobile Monday NY

2 thoughts on “Mobile Bar Code Camp

  1. href=””>Brand Attention QR Bar Code and Mobile Seo (Search Engine Optimisation)

    Brand Attention is at the forefront of bar code, internet, search engine and mobile web marketing innovation. Brand Attention’s tailored solutions aim to increase brand visibility, and promote sustainable growth through a wide span of new media formats. Our client offering is achieved through utilising Brand Attention’s vast expanse of technological, marketing and design expertise and incliding bar code, qr code and mobile seo whilst promoting the importance of campaign measurability, communication, ethics and creativity.

    for more information please visit:

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